Q&A | Talos talks to TLMT about Ériu’s Threshold

What’s the last song you listened to?

Vengeance Drools by Clark

What artist or album has gotten you through lockdown the most?

Have been going back over a lot of the Sigur Ros stuff recently. Liking the new Weeknd record and the new Oneohtrix at the minute as well.

What’s influencing your music right now?

I’ve been reading a lot of really great books recently so I’d say it’s a mixture of that and being down here in West Cork.

Tell us about your work and performance as part of Body & Soul’s Eiru’s Threshold. How did the project come about and what influenced your work on it?

Well, Mary Hickson (the Creative Director) got in contact with me primarily about doing a version of the Lament and said that Elaine Howley (The Altered Hours) was involved also. So that was the main driving force really, to work with Mary on something new and to work with Elaine. Unfortunately due to all these restrictions our time together in the studio was limited, which was tricky, but we got there in the end.

With regards to influence, it’s hard to say… Johann Johannson has always been a go-to for me for any film work I’ve worked on. But it was all hands on deck pulling the visual together in the end so myself, co-producer Ross Dowling and Elaine were working in isolation for the week which was a real challenge, to be honest, but allowed for some interesting ideas to emerge. Sonically, on the actual cover of the Lament anyway, Ross and I wanted to just bring it into our space in a sense. The hardest part about it was to feel comfortable singing something like that, and for it not to sound overdramatised, but I think we managed to achieve that for the most part.

Watch Ériu’s Threshold below. Photo credit: Bríd O’Donovan. For more information visit bodyandsoul.ie.

TLMT Podcast is a weekly music review show, featuring reviews and editorials on the Irish Music Scene from critic and photographer Stephen White.

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