Review | Field Trip – Everything’s Over


The Last Mixed Tape reviews Everything’s Over, the brand new extended play from garage-pop act Field Trip.

Field Trip have come a long way. From the scrappy charm of their earlier singles (‘You & I’) to the fuller more focused sound of the Everything’s Over the Galway band have hone their jangle-pop sound into something bigger, more inviting.

Indeed, the swagger indie-pop melodic E.P. opener ‘Wait’ perfectly encapsulates just how Field Trip have found a balance between the poppier and noise ridden elements of their sound. Now no longer engulfed in lo-fi aesthetic, the harmony based hooks at the core of the song are allowed room to actually be just that, hooks.

The production too feels more welcoming. Each riff, beat and vocal of Everything’s Over is given its own space, making the record feel bigger. The music of Field Trip moves along at it own pace, giving tracks like ‘Plant the Seed’ and ‘Suffer In Silence’ time to be absorbed as songs. Which is essential to the E.P’s success as a whole.

Everything’s Over has an indie-gem or two in it. But what is really important is how Field Trip are evolving as band. They’re not there just yet, but this E.P. is pointing in all the right directions.

Rating: 8/10

Everything’s Over by Field Trip is out now.

TLMT Podcast is a weekly music review show, featuring reviews and editorials on the Irish Music Scene from critic and photographer Stephen White.

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