Murli – Surface Tension

Surface Tension

Limerick based MC MuRli makes a strong impact with his debut E.P. Surface Tension.

Starting as it means to go on, Surface Tension opens with ‘Both Sides’. An impactful track that blends a myriad styles and moves with palpable intent both lyrically and rhythmically.

As the E.P’s name would suggest, Surface Tension is upfront and daring with it pointed lyrical content. As the record progresses Murli lets it all out with raw, emotional stories and moments. This is best captured in a deftly handled pause in ‘John Coffey’.

Beneath Murli’s intense performance is a vivid production. from both mynameisjOhn & Naive Ted, centred around glitching beats, intertwined loops & samples and sudden sonic twists that move from slow grooving moods (‘Champagne and Chinchillas’) to fast, unrelenting hip-hop (‘RUN’).

MuRli is an artist with something to say and with Surface Tension he says it. Propelled by his frantic lyrical rhythmical delivery and the sheer force of motion that he performs each line with. the E.P. rarely pauses and rather aims to convey the ferocity and restless that created it.

Surface Tension is a strong debut from MuRli, built upon infectious beats and a clear artistic need to tell his story, his point of view and his take the world around him. A vibrant beginning from a promising talent.

Rating: 9/10

Surface Tension by MuRli is out now.

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