The Mixed-Tape | Tiny Vinyls – Nothing

Tiny Vinyls

In this edition of T.L.M.T’s song of the week feature The Mixed-Tape we turn our attention to Tiny Vinyls and their brand new single ‘Nothing’.

Opening with a gritty swirling introduction that gives way to slithering guitar melodies, the alternative-rock sound of Tiny Vinyls is established from the outset.

Moving from large dynamic lifts to hook-laden transitional passages, ‘Nothing’ is a song heavily populated by sonic peaks and troughs. All of which surround the clear and intently held lead vocal that cuts through the noise filled backdrop and melodically dense foreground.

With it’s scratching, lingering guitar work, warped background textures and ominous vocal Tiny Vinyl’s latest single is a stylish piece of Irish alternative-rock, reminiscent of the similarly evocative sound found in early JJ72 tracks like ‘October Swimmer’.

Propelled forward by pounding percussion and constantly evolving soundscapes, the music sits perfectly within the large-scale rock production while still remaining relevant and edgy.

It is for these reasons that ‘Nothing’ by Tiny Vinyls is this week’s addition to The Mixed-Tape.

To read previous additions to the feature click here or you can listen to the Last Mixed Tape’s special The Mixed-Tape Spotify playlist

TLMT Podcast is a weekly music review show, featuring reviews and editorials on the Irish Music Scene from critic and photographer Stephen White.

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